zmalltalker’s avatarzmalltalker’s Twitter Archive

Most Recent 40 Tweets

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  1. If you miss the golden days of this place hop over to the light side. No self centered billionaires making a mess of things. You’ll find me at
  2. When this place turns into Truth social, find me over at
  3. Find me at if you’re considering getting out of this place.
  4. Now that @SparkMailApp has a subscription I got more interested in paying for an email app, as long as it treats my data as mine. Happy to find an understandable privacy policy
  5. Patagonia is going 100% purpose, giving away all voting rights and entire profits to the future of the planet 😍😍😍
  6. Mulig det bare er meg, men jeg sitter her som et spørsmålstegn og lurer på hva @odanorge mener med å lansere en dagligvaretjeneste i et nytt land «i test»? Er det snakk om en pilot eller en prototype av web og app på tysk? Sa de noe mer i intervjuet, @Shifter_no ? @Shifter_no/1570015774072340480
  7. We had a record number of people on yesterday’s Cocoaheads meetup in Oslo yesterday, with more than 100 people attending at the @shortcut_no office. Up for a Nordic challenge, @copenhagencocoa ? @osteslag/1567907161203777536
  8. Here I was thinking Alien was scary. @EarnKnowledgge/1565662519246479361
  9. World’s largest co2 emissions per capita, 7 years in prison for being gay and controlled by a single family. Not cool, @Microsoft @microsoftqatar/1565014355665715201
  10. TIL that QWERTY isn’t QWERTY in French. Surprisingly hard to use this keyboard layout.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  11. This thread ❤️ @avdi/1540367429527912449
  12. Another day, another communication app being abandoned by Google. Here’s an idea: what if Google got into consumer software?
  13. The Porsche Taycan is probably the best premium EV on the market. After reading this UX review I wouldn’t dream of getting one. @CasperKessels/1526542935117942785
  14. This is interesting. Airbnb is shifting into mostly remote and un the process changing to multi year planning and fewer releases. Would make sense from a collab perspective, but what will it do to competitiveness? @bchesky/1519831962340388865
  15. I like Twitter, but if I end up leaving my quality of life will probably improve. Is there a name for that sort of thing?
  16. Raskt levert 🙌. @sirinstav er #minbyråd @sirinstav/1517040996374175744
  17. Nice retro moment and an impressive technical achievement. But the boot time brings shivers down my spine 😍 @mihai/1509718311403241474
  18. This is a really important point. Having power for a long time has a really bad effect on people. @paulg/1509302933464178697
  19. Etter å ha laget mobilbanker i ti år fikk jeg gåsehud da @BulderBank ble annonsert for nesten tre år siden. Idag høster @TorvaldK fruktene, gratulerer! 💪🥇 @zmalltalker/1135571441867460608
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  20. Denne typen grønnvasking skal du pinadø få billig av meg. Mækkern er en stor del av problemet, både når det gjelder klima, forsøpling og helse. Å be kundene rydde etter seg er et tannløst grep bare reklamefolk kunne funnet på. @Kampanje/1506931702182072323
  21. This tweet is getting a lot of attention. No updates from @SpaceFoundation about this, and the linked website for @incontextmedia has no content. Be wary of sources of “information”, there’s a propaganda war going on! @incontextmedia/1504966755407519745
  22. I have really fond memories of car free Sundays when I was three. @copenhenken/1499663955282862085
  23. I was in 🇺🇦 just two weeks ago, a beautiful country with wonderful people. Stay strong, friends, you will win this one 💪❤️
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  24. If anyone has not yet understood this is not just about Ukraine @Femi_Sorry/1497217148267253760
  25. Anger, fear, sadness, so many feelings today 🇺🇦❤️
  26. Wordle 207 1/6 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 What’s all the fuzz about?
  27. Kanskje en av kollegene til finansministeren som kunne tenke seg å være først ute med den gode nyheten? En av de som har stått i det når svaret har vært nei, liksom? #lagspiller
  28. This thread is spot on
  29. Sign me up! 👏👍💪 @kode24no/1456513866578399257
  30. I have no doubts this is an amazing phone. But this launch strategy is one of the weirdest things I have ever heard about. @9to5Google/1438295967615406081
  31. Milliardærene i WhatsApp-gruppe ønsker seg en høyrepopulistisk TV-kanal a-la Fox News: Jeg spyr på gulvet.
  32. Wonderfully insightful post on app design from my designer-turned-developer colleague @PetterMakesApps : Your brain on apps - Shortcut
  33. Could we have a Norwegian PM candidate who will sign 🇳🇴 up to this? Kthxbye @KlimaMin/1430531554107961349
  34. If we get to zero emissions in time, we might be able to limit the warming to 1.5 degrees. That means all of us. It’s not up to someone else, it’s up to each and every one of us. And the time is now.
  35. At et selskap som har som forretningsmodell å tjene penger på å gjøre det vanskelig å betale for seg kaller seg EasyPay. #dårlighumor
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  36. Elsker det når folk viser seg å være bedre enn mange tror ❤️ @oslopolitiops/1422523214916427790